Have you ever noticed that kids are always in touch with their emotions? They let themselves be sad when they’re sad, they let themselves feel joyful when they’re happy.
As we grow up, we’re often told to stow our emotions or save them for later when our feelings arise at inconvenient times. This can come in handy, but it can also lead to disconnecting from our emotions, making it harder to feel them in the moment (people pleasers, I see you 👋🏻 ). Getting too good at this isn’t always beneficial.
When our emotions don’t have room to move through the body, they get stuck. I believe that these stuck emotions can lead to aches in pains, illnesses, and blocks in the body– which is why I’m a big fan of physical movement, especially following a stressful day.
Think about when animals in nature (or our pets) experience a stressful situation, they shake off afterwards —moving it through the body to reset.
This is something I have realized about myself recently, and I have been practicing being with my feelings when they arise. It has left me feeling less anxious, more aligned, and calmer.
This week, I invite you to connect with your inner child by acknowledging your emotions in the moment. I don’t mean throw your beans across the table because you can’t have another chicken nugget, but rather pausing to sit with an uncomfortable (or comfortable!) feeling instead of moving onto the next thing right away. Relish in what is going on in your body.
I know when more people give grace to their emotions, it normalizes it, allowing others to do the same — making us a better planet.
Try it on, and let me know how it goes.